Pulling up Stakes

Dear Esteemed Readers,
As many of you know from my previous Art Nun posts, in October of 2021, I began spending most of my time in my peaceful and quiet art loft in the tiny central Washington town of Tieton. It was a welcome but only a partial relocation because I still owned the small Seattle house I had lived in since 1974.
As time passed and the distance between Tieton and Seattle began to feel more and more complicated and energy draining, my husband David and I finally made the decision to try and sell our Big City home. I had changed and Seattle had changed as well. It was time to finally take the Big Step.
For the last several months I have been deeply involved in the process of preparing the house for the proposed upcoming sale to an unknown new owner. With all that is involved in this momentous and time-consuming process, for now I need to set aside writing a formal post because I simply do not have the time available to write anything elaborate.
This post will be a short and bittersweet “trailer” for a more detailed goodbye to my former Seattle life that I’ll have time to write about when the house sale and my move are both completed.
I will close this quick postcard with three images that sum up my past life, my current life, and my new life in central Washington, whose hills have called to me since discovering Tieton in 2008.

Light that candle for a smooth final transition!
With all best wishes and appreciation for your ongoing readership and support,

Sandra Dean, Visual Artist
Tieton, Washington USA
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